TAG Teams​
What are Tag Teams?
At GodFirst, we gather in TAG Teams.
As encouraged throughout the Bible, we meet to build up and sharpen one another (Heb 10:24-25, Prov 27:17) and to support, encourage and challenge one another (Gal 6:2, 1 Thes 5:11, James 5:16).
Through TAG (Two's Accountability Groups) Teams, you will grow in your knowledge of the Bible, be prayed for weekly, practice your giftings and be encouraged and challenged in your walk with God.
Tag Teams Should:
Be a group of two (or sometimes temporarily three) people of the same gender.
Meet together regularly - time, duration & location is decided together as a team.
TAG Teams are designed to be short term to grow and change. Each team should look add new members and split as the church grows.
During the session the team will:
Read & discuss the Bible together. As a team, you choose what to read, and how much.
Share any struggles you have faced that week.
Pray for and with each other.
Set yourselves a challenge for the week.
How to join a tag team:
To be in a TAG Team, you'll need to a part of our church community.
Speak to Rachel about how to get involved. She will either help you find someone to meet with or you can form your own TAG Teams yourselves.