Discipleship - Mission - Community
At GodFirst we summarise our vision and values in three main ways.
Discipleship. Mission. Community.
So how do we plan to put our vision into action? The image below explains how everything that we are currently doing fits into these three main values and how they relate, connect and feed into each other.
The main way that we will engage in mission is through social groups. Social community groups sit top of the list for both mission and discipleship.
Social Community Groups are a great way for the church community to hang out, engaging in activities that we naturally enjoy and find fun. Not everyone will go to every social group, just get involved in the groups that you would naturally want to do anyway.
As well as being good for the church community, it's a great way to go engage in mission. Why? Because we believe that the Christian community is attractive to people. The way that Christians love each is special and appealing! Being yourself, doing the things you love, with other Christians, is a great form of evangelism.
From the social groups, there are three different places to invite people on their journey towards God.
1. Alpha. If someone is showing a genuine interest in God, we can invite them to our next Alpha course. Following the Alpha course, there will be opportunities to join us for the whole of Sunday service, or just for the food. Also, we will have deeper groups aimed at new Christians that we can direct people towards.
2. Sunday Service. Perhaps, someone attending our social groups has seen that Christian community is special and would like to see more. Well, they can attend our church service where we preach the gospel every week. The time we meet is to make it as easy as possible for people to join us.
3. Eating Together. Perhaps a friend is not ready for either of those options but would be up for joining our community when eating together. Eating together may be a gateway into Alpha or attending the whole of our Sunday service.
Often people can go on a journey towards God and we want to engage in mission and arrange our church in a way that makes this as easy as possible.
Church community is really important! We are a family brought together by the grace of God and a belief in the Lord Jesus and so it is important that we get to know each other and love each other. The main way that we will gather intentionally to build community it through our social community groups and through our Sunday gatherings.
No matter how large the church grows, we will always eat together. Eating with others is a powerful way to get to know each other and to build friendships.
Other ways that we build community is through our discipleship groups; TAG teams and Deeper groups.
Discipleship at GodFirst will, alongside our Sunday gatherings, center around two main programmes. TAG teams and Deeper Groups.